

Natalie Bowerman

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Pastor Natalie Bowerman joined HFUMC in July 2024.

Administrative Assistant

Mary Vullo

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Mary Vullo joined the HFUMC staff in December 2023. She acts as newsletter editor, weekly bulletin creator, and all-around office guru. She holds office hours as needed. 

Music Director/Organist

Joe Blackburn

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Youth Leader

Peter Lagueras

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Peter joined the Honeoye Falls United Methodist Church, September 2021.  We are delighted to have Peter join us as our Youth Director, he brings along several years of experience.  He has also worked alongside Pastor Chris as Co-Chair of the Genesee Valley District Committee on Youth.  Peter has a heart for bringing Youth into a closer relationship with Christ.  

Our Youth Group meets on Sundays from 12-2pm downstairs, for youth grades 6-12.  Besides weekly bible study, they will also participate in District and Conference youth events, mission trips, overnights, outings, etc.  We hope to see you there. 

Nursery Attendant

Anita Forney

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Anita has been a member of the Honeoye Falls United Methodist Church for over 20 years. She was a Sunday School teacher for 14 years and also taught at Vacation Bible School. Anita is now the Nursery Care provider for the Church.